
NextStep Training Ltd Policies and Documents

Complaints and Concerns Procedure – Please click  here

Data Protection (GDPR) and Confidentiality Policy – Please click here

Information, Advice and Guidance – Please click here

Child Protection, Safeguarding and Prevent Policy – Please click here

We have a dedicated Safeguarding team please see here.   Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is – Zak Vesamia.
For all safeguarding questions or concerns please use email zak@nextsteptrainingltd.co.uk.

Privacy and Cookie Policy – Please click here

Professional Development Policy – Please click here

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy – Please click here

Health and Safety Policy – Please click here

Prevent Duty Policy & Procedure  – Please click here

Apprenticeship Attendance Policy – Please click here

Disciplinary Policy and Procedure – Please click here

Environmental & Sustainability Policy – Please click here

Malpractice and Maladministratipn Policy – Please click here

Learner Appeals Policy & Procedure – Please click here

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